Meet the Community


JLIC has been present in Binghamton since 2014, providing students with the infrastructures they need to successfully continue with their Orthodox lifestyles.
JLIC student board serves as a subgroup of Hillel, who strive to provide the Orthodox students in Hillel with opportunities for leadership. They give an open platform for students to grow in their Torah learning, tefillah, and to be a part of a flourishing Jewish community.
Shabbat is the most special time of the week for Jewish students on campus, with a jam-packed schedule of opportunities.
At JLIC, we host a special Kabbalat Shabbat (a.k.a KabShab), with a rotating 10-15 students joining the JLIC family at their shabbat table. Everyone else heads to their choice of shabbat dinner with Hillel in C4 or at Chabad.
Shabbat morning at JLIC kicks off with 8:15 Netivot Shalom learning, followed by 9:00am Shacharit and hot kiddush.
Every couple of weeks JLIC will have either a communal Seudah Shlishit, with lots of singing, followed by Maariv and Havdallah, or a Friday night Tisch.
The Kosher Korner is located in the C4 Dining Hall, which is a full-service section of the dining facility. The KK is supervised by a full time OU mashgiach. The Kosher Kitchen is open six days a week and is closed on Saturdays. For more information, visit Sodexo’s website, the university’s food provider.

While only first years are required to dorm, Orthodox students live both on-campus and in off-campus buildings near the university. On-campus, most students live in the Dickinson or Newing communities, which surround the Kosher Dining hall, C4, and the university gives out Shabbat keys upon request. Off-campus, students options are Hayes, Meadows (15 minute walk from campus) and Uclub (20 minutes).